Here you can find information on available support services, as well as resources and checklists to help you address assorted needs.

Community Services and Resources
In addition to the programs HAH provides, there are a number of community based services available to help address various needs. Whether it’s legal services, fuel/heating assistance, food resources, respite care or something else HAH is here to help you get connected.
Health and Wellness Resources
As we age, our need for health and wellness services may increase. Harpswell Aging at Home has developed a list of many health and wellness services available to Harpswell residents. While most of these services have a cost, some are on a sliding scale.

Contractor Referral List
Have you ever needed a contractor but didn’t know who to call? HAH has developed a referral list of trusted, reliable, local contractors and services for those who can afford to pay for them. Remember if expense is an issue, HAH may be able to assist – see below.
Repairs Available Through HAH
In partnership with Habitat for Humanity/7Rivers Maine, HAH offers a wide range of home repairs to eligible older adults, to keep them SAFER, WARMER and DRIER as they age in their homes.

Adaptive Tools List
There are many tools available to make everyday tasks around the house easier. Here is a list of a few helpful items and places you can purchase them. Take a look – you might just find something that will help you out.
Download Our Adaptive Tools ListHome Safety Checklist
Taking the time to check your home’s safety from time to time is a good idea. This tip sheet is full of simple things you can do to make yourself safer at home.
Download Our Home Safety Checklist

Resource Assistance
In Home Care, Household Chores, Respite Care, Adult Daycare, Caregiver Support and Care Coordination
There are agencies in our community that provide numerous services to help ease the efforts associated with caring for a home, for loved ones or for caregivers themselves. They can lend a hand when your hands are full.
Heating Assistance
Up to 100 gallons (or the equivalent) can be granted at one time and can be granted up to two times per season/per household, if qualified. A new application must be submitted for each request.
The Harpswell Heating Assistance Program opens on October 15 and continues to April 15, 2023!
Find Out More about Heating Assistance

Mental Health Resources
As we age, our need for health and wellness services begins to increase. Harpswell Aging at Home developed a list of a variety of mental health services available to Harpswell residents.
Scam Prevention
Scams targeting people 60 and older caused $3.4 billion-plus in losses in 2023, and the average victim lost $33,915. Avoid becoming a victim by reviewing our informational flyer designed to help you understand and prevent becoming a scam victim.