THANK YOU for your interest in supporting Harpswell Aging at Home!
Your tax-deductible gift will directly support our mission to help many of our Harpswell neighbors to stay safer, warmer and drier and able to thrive in their homes as they age.
HAH relies on the generosity of our community to provide the funds necessary to support our volunteer efforts. Your gift allows us to continue our mission by helping us meet our expenses such as materials for home repairs, advertising and printed materials, required insurances, event supplies and much more. A little goes a long way! Please give generously today.
Your donation qualifies for a tax deduction as HAH is a 501(c)(3).
To Donate By Check
Make your check payable to Harpswell Aging at Home and mail to:
Harpswell Aging at Home
P.O. Box 25
Harpswell, ME 04079